Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Servant Leadership

What an incredible experience! 570 business people from the community flood into East Bayou to here leadership concepts modeled after Jesus himself! Nobody could have forecasted such an incredible event and opportunity for Jesus to work! Thanks to Brad Price and Bob Koenig for making this happen.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Jim Hunter - Leadership Workshop

Can't miss this one! Jim Hunter is an incredible author and speaker and he will be coming to East Bayou to speak on May 4th from 8:30 am to 11:30am.

Please join us in this awesome learning opportunity.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Father-Daughter Date Night

Words cannot begin to explain the impact this night was to all the Fathers and Daughters who attended as well as the community that was impacted. From the workplaces that we left behind - to the Beauty Salon's our Daughters got their hair done at - to the restaurant we practically shut down! God's witness was alive in the city of Lafayette tonight. For you guys to care so much for your daughters that you designated one night to honor them and treat them with the highest respect, shows our daughters their importance and their worthiness in the eyes of our Lord Jesus!

I praise God for my daughter, for my friends, and for my ever increasing relationship with Jesus Christ!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Men't Retreat 2007

110 Men worshipping Jesus! How sweet is that!

Bob is awesome!

Stan da Man!

Volleyball at 1:00am

What a weekend! Twenty four hours of indescribable miracles. One of our brothers, Stan Dombrowski, surrendered his life to our Lord Jesus! What a sweet experience. 110 lives had an experience of a lifetime and we are thankful for the work of all the leaders and men who put this together. Thank you guys and thank God for His merciful gift and His perfect process.