Sunday, January 21, 2007

Men't Retreat 2007

110 Men worshipping Jesus! How sweet is that!

Bob is awesome!

Stan da Man!

Volleyball at 1:00am

What a weekend! Twenty four hours of indescribable miracles. One of our brothers, Stan Dombrowski, surrendered his life to our Lord Jesus! What a sweet experience. 110 lives had an experience of a lifetime and we are thankful for the work of all the leaders and men who put this together. Thank you guys and thank God for His merciful gift and His perfect process.


Anonymous said...


padre said...

What an incredible group of snow flakes that are mounting up one huge avalanche that will block the highway to hades and others will come to know the Savior, Jesus!!!! great job men. great pics. Real men do cry and real me do hug!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank each and every man present at this retreat. It is comforting to know that I have this many Godly brothers in the trenches, fighting the enemy, shoulder to shoulder, back to back!

It is wonderful to see what happens when we step asside and let God take control.

Surrendered to Him,

Sean Walker said...

That's SO AWESOME! I wish I could have been there!